About Me

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I'm just a simple girl. Nothing special, nothing common. I love to do what I want and act as what I like. Acting and being like a crazy is my style of living! No crazy, no life!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Past and Present.

I have studied in TARC for three weeks.
I started to get used to the environment over there.
Sometimes, college life reminds me many things....my secondary school life.
After schooling, we somemore have to rush to tuition.
Although sometimes really tired, and even fall a sleep in my tuition class.
But I'm still so enjoyed that type of life.
Tuition together with all my friends, we studied hard together..
And of course played hard and talked hard..XD..haha..
All those was the best memories in my lifetime.
Aspecially last time I and Ah Sin tuition together that time.
Sometimes my mom will fetched Ah Sin went to tuition together.
In the tuition class, we ate sweets..concentrate sometimes, but sometimes we will drew something weird on each other's notes that given by tuition teacher.
I do really miss that moment!
I miss the moment we tuition BM and English in Tanjung.
I miss Ah Chan teached us BM karangan.
I miss Mr. Felix teched us English essays and sometimes do miss his cold jokes..XD
I miss Ah Sin always told me that Mr.Felix is cute last time..haha..(although sometimes he don't comb his hair..=P)
I miss the moment all of us will feel tension and nervous when we was forced by Mr.Felix to pass up his essay before we went back home.
I miss the moment we went to Gama and bought snacks and breads while breaktime..
Gosh! I really miss it!

I also miss the moment I tuition add maths in L.L Tan.
I miss Ah Sir's cold jokes and weird story.
I miss his stupid action.
I miss the moment I tuition over there with Lydia, Ai Yin..blah blah blah( so many ppl..XD)
I miss his add maths lesson!
I really love add maths and maths! XD
I still remembered last time Ai Yin and I sat together and kept on talking.haha..
Hmm...just when I sat with Ai Yin only I din't concentrate in the class.
So..in conclusion...she is too talkative...not me..XD..haha.
(I can imagine if she saw this, she surely will kill me..XD)

Recently I started to mix around with my coursemates.
And actually I feel that most of them are quite nice and friendly.
I even can started to joke around with them.
Laugh out loud without caring about my imej..
Hmm...finally have some feelings to my college life.
Maybe my college life would not be what I have thought last time.
Maybe it would be interesting also...right?

Yesterday I suddenly realised that still have about three weeks, exam are going to start!
OMG! I feel like I din't even start to prepare anything for it.
Still have two assignments about Hubungan Etnik and Information Technology need to be done before that!
And somemore still have so many homeworks for different subjects need to be done everyday!
I need to rush! Rush to complete everything as soon as possible!
I need more time to study!
Why the time passed by so fast!
I need more than 24 hours for a day! arrgghh...It drives me crazy!

Need to calm down a bit.
If not next time you all will visit me in Tanjung Rambutan.
Going to rush my hubungan etnik assignment and my tutorial homeworks now.
Feel like I'm going to faint...@@
But still have to enjoy it..right?
Yea..I think so.
Instead of grumbling around, I think I should learn to enjoy the life I have now. right?
Busy life always brings a lot of memories. =D



  1. lol..ya..really miss miss miss~~
    really miss when we are playing fool around in the class..TRUE!!! ^^
    enjoy the time that pass so fast..

    erm..seems like u can mix all ur coursemate le..not bad..keep on..i think u can make it..
    add oil ya..^^

  2. Pig,
    now I just can dream about it.
    I really miss all of you!

    hmm..I feel is not bad la.
    I hope you can settle all your coursemate's problem also.
    wish you all the best ya!
